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Gabriele – communication study programm student who completed her Erasmus + internship in Corfu island, Greece
“My internship in Corfu was definitely my most memorable experience and the biggest learning opportunity I had so far. I was clueless about what it truly means to be an animator, I thought my main responsibilities were going to be leading activities such as yoga, pilates, aqua aerobics and several other sports, but it was so much more than that. You have to come up to people you have never met before and strike up a conversation, always be punctual, improvise in case something doesn’t go to plan, deal with the greek heat, fill in for colleagues who have suddenly fallen sick and learn a lot of new things on the spot. The first week was definitely intense for me, but as I have mentioned to several friends: it takes one week to adapt, two weeks to learn everything and three weeks to feel comfortable in this job. Considering that the total amount I spent there was three and a half months, that’s pretty fast. I was happy that even during my first days I wasn’t just observing from the side lines, but I had to join in and participate in all of the activities and shows, I think that’s the best way to learn. If you manage to pull through those first stages and step out of at least three different comfort zones, the job becomes highly enjoyable. I was lucky enough to have an amazing team, who have become my friends for life, so the job didn’t even feel like a job at times. Each day you’re doing activities in the sun and socialising with a number of interesting guests, who also make the job very interesting. You’re always recognised in your hotel, always greeted with a smile and start to feel like you’re at home after a while. The connection I had with my team was also a big reason why travelling around the island was so cool. Since we only had one day off per week, we tried to make the most of it every time. And all being animators with great energy and initiative, it wasn’t difficult to think of something to do or places to visit. Overall I think this job has taught me way more than I anticipated. Adapting very quickly, interacting with a spectrum of different people, solving conflicts, getting over personal matters and putting yourself out there was a big part of the job. I really recommend it as an experience not only to explore a different culture and its people, but also to explore and overcome your own limits and capabilities. It was a great opportunity for personal growth and enlightenment. I would do it again.”
Evelina Erasmus + trainee who completed her internship even in 2 different islands Lesbos and Zakynthos
“Man asmeniškai atlikinėti šią praktiką labai patiko, nes sutikau daug nuostabiu žmonių bei išmokau daug dalykų. Vienas svarbiausių dalykų, kuriuos išmokau per visą laikotarpį, tai yra anglų kalba. Nes prieš atvykstant į Graikiją mano anglų kalbos žinios buvo paprastos ir man būdavo sunku turėti rišlų dialogą. Tačiau dabar aš galiu turėti rimtą ir nuoseklų dialogą su žmonėmis anglų kalba. Per 3 mėnesius susiradau draugų iš įvairių pasaulio šalių. Šį praktiką man padėjo atrasti save, suvokti apie tam tikrus svarbius dalykus. Taip pat galėčiau drąsiai teigti, kad kas įvyko praktikos laikotarpiu mane sustiprino kaip asmenybę ir tikrai į savo gimtąją šalį grįšiu tvirtesnė ir ryžtingesnė. Aš labai džiaugiuosi, kad turėjau galimybę atlikinėti čia praktiką, nes viską ką dariau (su darbu susijusio), tai dariau su meile ir džiaugsmu. Galima drąsiai teigti, kad šį praktiką ne tik man suteikia daug naudingos informacijos ir patirties studijoms, bet įgavau labai daug ir svarbios gyvenimiškos patirties. Ačiū už suteiktą galimybę.”
Dominyka our Erasmus + trainee in Corfu Island, Greece
“Šios praktikos metu išmokau geriau naudotis canva svetainę, kadangi tekdavo kurti posteriu vakaro programoms. Taip pat informacijos ieškojimas apie veiklas su vaikais, ką galėtumėme įtraukti ir kas būtų įdomų veikti. Visos vasaros metu išmokau geriau bei sklandžiau komunikuoti su įvairaus amžiaus, lyties, tautybės žmonėmis, bendravimas su svečiais, palaikymas gerą ryšį buvo vienas svarbesnių kriterijų būnant animatore. Pagerinau savo anglų, rusų ir lenkų kalbos žinias. Tapau tvirtesnė priimant sprendimus, išmokau savarankiškumo, kantrybės. Taip pat tapau laisvesnė, išmokau šokius, kuriuos šokdavome su svečiais. Vakaro vaikų programoje išmokau ir šokdavome vaikiškus šokius, kviesdavome vaikus prisijungti.
Atvykus sužinojau, kad viešbutis atsidarė prieš porą dienų mano atvažavimą, tad pradžioje turėjau savarankiškai sukurti kids club’ savaitės programa, taip pat posterius vakaro programos, tad kiekvienos dienos vakaro programos poster’į.
Visos vasaros praktikos metu dienomis aš dirbau kids club‘e. Turėjo visos savaitės programa ir darėme kiekvieną dieną skirtingas veiklas / užsiėmimus. Piratų dieną darėme face painting, iš kartono kardus ir pinigus, treasure hunt, taip pat turėjome dailės ir meniškų dienų, kuomet piešdavome, spalvindome, įvairių menų ir amatų užsiėmimai, žaisdavome su žaislais, futbolą, boulingą, slėpynes. Dažnai vaikai mėgdavo sugalvoti žaidimus, tad žaisdavome ir juos. Vakaro programoje kiekvieną dieną turėjome skirtingus renginius, kuriuose pagrinde buvau atsakinga už muzika, kitaip sakant DJ, tad būdavau prie pulto, tačiau priklausant nuo programos quiz vakarais eidavau ieškoti kapitonų komandoms, karaoke vakarais ieškodavau kas norėtų prisijungti ir padainuoti, disco vakarais užvesdavome publiką ir šokome šokius, kuriuos pastatė mūsų komandoje profesionali šokėją, tai šokiai kuriuos žmonės kartoja ir šoka visi, tai gali būti makareną ymca, kaubojaus daina ir t.t. Taip pat turėjome savo šokį pagal dainą, kurią šokdavome kartu su svečiais po renginių Taip pat vienas iš darbų buvo komunikacija su svečiais, tad vakarais bendravome su svečiais, skleidėm geras emocijas, padėdavome atsakyti į klausimus apie salą, ką galėtų aplankyti.
Praktikos metu pagrinde teko bendrauti anglų kalba, tačiau mano komandoje buvo ir lietuvė, tad su ja bendravome lietuviškai o kuomet buvome su visa komanda – angliškai. Kadangi svečių buvo iš įvairių Europos šalių, taip pat prireikė mano rusų kalbos žinios, laisvai kalbėdavau ir šią kalba su svečiais, bei praktikavau savo lenkų kalbos žinias, kadangi suprast šią kalbą kažkiek galiu, tačiau šnekėti sunkiau buvo, bet per visa vasarą kids club’e turėjau daug lenkų vaikų, tad teko bendrauti šiek tiek ir lenkiškai. Kartais naudodavau google translate arba bandydavau kalbėtis visais įmanomais būdais, maišant rusų ir lenkų žinias.
Savo laisvu laiku kartu su kolege keliaudavome aplink salą, esame aplanke populiariausius paplūdimius bei lankytinas vietas. Nuomavome mašiną, tad aplankėme ir tas vietas, kurias sunku pasiekti viešuoju transportu ar savarankiškai einant. Ši salą yra išties labai graži ir žalia, bei kalnuota, tad laisvomis dienomis tikrai nenuobodžiaudavome. Taip pat darbo dienos per pertraukas eidavome į kalnus žygiuoti (hiking), kadangi mūsų lokacijoje buvo kalnuota.”
Deivile from Lithuania – our Erasmus + trainee in Rhodes Island, Greece
“Praktiką atlikinėjau Graikijoje, Rodo saloje, Atlantica Kolymbia beach viešbutyje. Viešbutis 4 žvaigždžių, gerai vertinamas su vaizdu į jūrą. Sužinojau kaip iš tikrųjų vyksta darbas viešbutyje. Kokie žmonės ten dirba ir kaip jie bendrauja. Išmokau daugiau bendrauti ir patobulinau anglų kalbos žinias taip pat šiek tiek suprasti ir graikų kalbą. Ne darbo metu aplankiau kelias žinomas Rodo salos populiarias vietas.”
Anna – full time seasonal employee from Ukraine who worked with us in Kids clubs in 2 different islands (Lefkada and Kos)
“My dream job came true at a difficult time for my country. I had the opportunity to work as a children’s animator. I spent the first 5 months on the green island of Lefkada, I had extremely flexible schedule that allowed me to enjoy interesting trips around island. I worked with children from Great Britain, I was working in large, spacious classes with very interesting program for every day. Moreover I had comfortable living conditions, I would even say It was fabulous, I lived like a queen. The company is responsible and reliable, which inspires cooperation again and again. The last month of my contract i flew to Kos island, where many surprises and challenges awaited me:
- A new big team,
- children from Switzerland and Germany
- and dancing, lots of dancing.:)))))))))
It was a month that brought me many acquaintances, good friends, incredible children, and fun dancing! Thank you for the ability to grow and develop in the right direction!”
Algimantas – Toursim study programm student – Erasmus + trainee in Corfu Island, Greece
“Birželio 13 d.- rugsėjo 17 d. atlikau praktiką „TUI BLUE ATLANTICA GRAND MEDITERRANEO RESORT AND SPA“. Atvykęs į viešbutį buvau supažindintas su pačiu viešbučiu, jo aplinka, infrastruktūra, su darbo saugos ir vidaus taisyklėmis. Pirmosiomis dienomis stebėjau visų padalinių darbą: registratūros, kambarinių, skalbyklos, animatorių, pavežėjų, sodininkų, spa paslaugomis, vidaus restorano ir paplūdimio baro. Pradėjus dirbti man buvo paskirti mentoriai, kurie supažindino su restorano ir baro darbo ypatumais. Praktikos metų įgijau darbinių įgūdžių kaip greitai aptarnauti didelį kiekį svečių. Vienu metu viešbutyje apsistoja apie 500 svečių, kurių daugumą turi viską įskaičiuota paketus. Taipogi patobulinau bendravimo įgūdžių bendraujant su skirtingų tautų darbuotojais ir svečiais. Laisvalaikio metu mėgavausi vandens pramogomis, kopimu į kalnus, vietiniu maistu. Kerkyroje lankiausi muziejuje, bendravau su vietiniais žmonėmis.”
Lukrecija – Ecotourism student from Lithuania – Erasmus + trainee in Kos Island, Greece
“I spent my summer in the Kos heart. During all this period of time I was an animator in different hotels. The first two weeks I spent between Atlantica Porto Bello Royal and Atlantica Porto Bello Beach hotels. There I had a big animators team, but after two weeks I was moved to another hotel which is called Michelangelo Resort & SPA. In this new place I had to do everything alone, because here I hadn‘t team as in previous hotels. In the beginning it was really shocking, but by the time I felt that here I had to be. I took care of the kids, I was with them all day! And I was doing aqua gym as well. In the Michelangelo Resort & SPA hotel I felt like at home, because the manager and all the hotel staff around me were so kind and friendly. It wasn‘t easy to come and adapt, but when I adapted it wasn’t easy to leave this magnificent place. I would love to mention that I came to this memorable island alone, but I never felt really alone here. Wherever I went, I waved to people because they became my friends. Life in Greece is much simpler. Even when you are tired you are still smiling, because here you are surrounded by big hearted people. That is why I fell in love with the island. I promised to come back some day.
I can say that this internship was very useful for myself. It let me grow as a person, to learn everything in a fast way and to feel confident in what I do. I felt that I came home like a different person and in all life difficulties I started to watch as in the challenges.”
Rasa -primary education student from Lithuania completed her practice with us in Corfu Island, Greece
“Atlikau praktiką Korfu saloje Grecotel Corfu Imperial viešbučio vaikų klube. Jame su vaikais kiekvienai dienai turėdavome programą ir pagal ją darydavom įvairius darbelius. Pirmadieniais ir trečiadieniais būdavo gaminimo pamokos, antradieniais turėjome sporto užsiėmimus, kevirtadieniais gamindavome eko darbelius, penktadieniais eidavome į baseiną ir vandens sporto pramogas, arba būdavo indėnų diena. Šeštadieniais darydavome darbelius, o sekmadieniais rengdavome „Angry Birds“ programą, ty. gamindavome kaukes, žaisdavome „Angry Birds“ žaidimus ir pan. Asmeniškai man labiausiai patiko gaminimo pamokos, sporto dienos, užsiėmimai baseinuose, ir beabejo susipažinti su skirtingų tautybių viešbučio mažaisiai svečiais.”
Dzestina from Lithuania – Erasmus Alumni program participant in Kos island, Greece
“This practice in Greece was one of the best decisions what I made in my life. I met a lot interesting nice people, I had oportunity to learn things about greek culture, to practice my english skils and also its wonderful when you can work nice job and also travel. For sure I will come back to Greece Kos island, because there life is different, there you can feel free. Much recommending.”
Sara from Poland – Erasmus + trainee in Zakynthos Island, Greece
“My internship took place in Greece, on the island of Zakynthos, in the hotel “Aqua Bay”. I spent 4.5 unforgettable months on the island. The time spent in the hotel allowed me to deepen my knowledge and practical skills. I have acquired invaluable teamwork skills based on good communication. I have improved my communication skills in English. I worked with 4 girls and one leader! My main duties were talking and making contact with hotel guests, as well as informing about the attractive offer of animations offered by the hotel. I also had the opportunity to regularly prepare sports activities such as stretching, darts, throw the ball, ping-pong and water volleyball. In the evenings, my task with my team was to do a mini-disco and a show the program which changed everyday. I had a lot of fun!
I believe that this experience has developed me like no other. I met amazing people with whom I will stay in touch for the rest of my life! The number of great experiences and memories is beyond counting, so I can only recommend a trip abroad for an internship to everyone!!!:)”
Magdalena from Poland – Erasmus + trainee in Kos Island, Greece
“Fortunately, I was able to go on 3 months internship this year. I was an entertainer in Atlantica hotel on hot and beautiful Kos Island. I didn’t believe that it will be possible but we had managed my internship. I spent more than 3 months in beautiful area meeting amazing people every day, doing animations with children and making sports. I could work with 6 colleges in a team, where I learnt cooperation, precision, responsibility and being open, crazy person, ready for everything. Everyday we were dancing next to pool with guests. I’ve met thousands people from different countries and cultures. Every Thursday we had show where I was dancing and singing with my colleagues. It was amazing experience because I experienced a lot of nice and hard moments as well. But Ive learnt a lot and I’ve meet people who will be my friends a long time. I didn’t expect that the internship will change my life so much.”
Deimante from Kaunas, Lithuania – Erasmus+ trainee in Rhodes Island, Greece
Kornelija from Mazeikiai, Lithuania – Kids Entertainer in Corfu Island, Greece
“This summer I was working as a children entertainer in Corfu, Greece. I developed my languages skills, I went out of the comfort zone. I made a lot of new friends and I saw a lot of wonderful places. It was an amazing experience. If you are thinking of going here, just do it! I am very glad that I had this opportunity to come here.”
Karolis from Klaipeda, Lithuania – office assistant in Athens, Greece
“I had an opportunity to do Erasmus+ internship as an Office Assistance in Greece. Internship affect me in many fields. Working with multicultural people gave me life-long experience. Moreover, I had a chance to explore the country and make new friends while also gaining work experience. The internship increased my general knowledge which gave me more confidence. Despite the fact that I was working all summer I still had a great and unforgettable summer.”
Jogaile from Kaunas, Lithuania – Fitness entertainer in Kos island
“Dirbdama animatoriaus pozicijoje Kos saloje Graikijoje turėjau galimybę patobulinti save visapusiškai. Pirmiausiai, tai ši praktika suteikė labai daug drąsos, praplėtė užsienio kalbų žinias, nes kiekvieną dieną bendravau su žmonėmis iš įvairiausių šalių, o vėliau tie žmonės liko ir draugai, tad tai buvo puiki galimybė praplėsti kontaktus. Be to kasdien darbe tobulinau lyderės savybes, socialinius įgūdžius, fizinius gebėjimus – vedžiau sportinius užsiėmimus. Atliekant vakarinę programą patobulinau ir judesio gebėjimus. Taip pat per tris mėnesius turėjau galimybę puikiai pažinti šalį, jos kultūrą, tradicinius maistus, pabendrauti su Graikijos gyventojais, o tai buvo neįkainojama patirtis. ”
Danguole Erasmus student from Kaunas, Lithuania – Sport&Fun entertainer in Corfu island
“2019 summer was amazing. This summer I made my practice in Eva Palace hotel, Corfu island, Greece. I can say it was great experience. Here I have learned to step out off my comfort zone and start conversations with new people without any fear. Definitely, I become more confident. Also during my practice I improved my German, English and Russian language skills. What I would like to emphasize is the friendships, that I made in Greece, they are priceless. I would recommend anyone to work in a foreign country, it will change your point of view in life.”
Yohan, international student from Riga, Latvia – hotel ENTERTAINER IN KOS ISLAND
“This was my very first experience as a animator in the island kos. I was privileged to work in the 5 star hotel kourse place. I had very excellent experiences with the guiest ,hotel staff and the team of animotors. Got more opportunities to explore different multy cultures and languages, food, traditions and people. And the greatest accomplishment from this internship I achieved was, best friends for life time, leaning to work in pressure and in imagency timings. Organizing events and to host events, decorating, do DJ and sound systems, handling guest relations, guest complains, hosting Show’s, organizing games and entertainment events and many more.
Through this experience I got opportunity to push my self more, coming out from my comfort zone which made me more confident in my own self and to explore different talents which I didn’t now I had in me. The most important to adjust, work as a individual and as a team. I would make it a opportunity to thanks Amber Job recruitment for this great experience in the summer.”
“Worked in hotel as animation guy. I never was too shy or super closed up but mostly never start conversation by my self and this is what I developed in this Erasmus + practice. Now I’m more out going and feel more joy having small talks with strangers. This kind of stuffs help in all life situation. As well I learned a lot of fun games, dances, activities and ways how to approach and start conversation with stangers which definetly will help me in my future job.”
“It was The best dicision of my life to go and work in Kos island. I had the best summer with the best team in my life and time that we spent together was amazing. Thank you for this amazing summer. I will never forget it. Can’t wait for the next year!”
“Ši patirtis tikrai buvo gera, pasitobulinau šokio gabumus, bendravimo, sportinių veiklų, DJ gabumus bei pasitobulinau pati save. Susiradau daug naujų draugų iš visos Europos ir net USA. Išmokau naujų kalbų, gal nepilnai ar ne tobulai, bet kai kuriomis iš kalbų galiu užmegzti pokalbį. Praplečia savo komforto ribas, tai tikrai padės mano ateityje darbo pokalbiuose ar jau dirbant kokioje nors įmonėje. Puiki patirtis, tikrai nesigailiu!”
“I got a lot of experience while I was working in the entertainment, I had opportunity to see new country and visit new places with new friends. I visited different places all around Corfu island like: mount Pontakrator, waterfalls in Nymfes, Paleokastrisa monastery and Angelokastro castle, Kassiopi town and castle, Sidari, Roda , also Ag. Gordios town , Achillion palace, Corfu town and I had boat trip with friends to small islands Paxo and Antipaxo where we visited amazing caves. Also I got chance to see how entertainment team works, and join together with them, participate in parade with kids. Every day was different, playing with kids from different countries and enjoying summer. I met kids from Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Austria, Cyprus and also from Bolivia. Thank you that I have this opportunity.”
“This summer I spend in Greece. I learned so many things, such as animator job, be independet, work in a team and much more. Sometimes it was hard, but I learned how to get true everything. Greece is a beautiful country, and maybe one day I will come back. It was a good life experience.”
“That was very interesting experience. I learned a lot of things about myself. I liked this trip to Greece, because I had the opportunity to know the people of other countries, Greece and its culture. I’ve advanced my English skills. I recommend that everyone try ourselves in this Erasmus + practice.”
“Working in Greece I have learned to communicate with hotel’s costumers, colleagues, my foreign languages very improved, because I was speaking constantly if not english then russian language. I found a lot of interesting people from all over the world. So it was very interesting experience to work abroad. Thank you for this opportunity, it was very useful.”
“Linkėjimai iš Graikijos!
Sonora Lauma from Riga, Latvia – all round entertainer in Corfu island
“Summer 2018 was wild haha! One of my favorite activities was darts definitely! As well as a water polo, boccia, leading family disco sometimes, improving my interpersonal skills and boosting my self-confidence, taking initiative and responsibility. I discovered that huge passion of mine is performing and being on a stage, dancing, sharing my crazy amounts of energy with others. And it is something I am looking forward to do again!
More importantly, I learned what makes a great teamwork, which in my opinion is a cruical skill to have in life. We were like a family, we supported each other throughout the whole summer and I love them and they are my best friends!”
Gabija from Vilnius, Lithuania – hotel entertainer in Rhodes island
“Praktikos metu dirbau animatore Grecotel Rhodos Royal viešbutyje, buvau atsakinga už 4-6 m. vaikus mini klube “Grecoland”, taip pat dalyvavau, vaidinau ir šokau įvairiuose miuzikluose, su komanda organizavome įvairius renginius. Per šią praktiką išmokau daugelio dalykų, tapau labiau savarankiškesnė, patobulinau anglų kalbą, pasikeitė požiūris į kai kuriuos dalykus bei išmokau daugiau šypsotis gyvenime, nes visos problemos išsprendžiamos Mūsų viešbutyje buvo daugiausiai svečių iš Rusijos ir Vokietijos, taip pat iš Slovakijos, Austrijos, Italijos ir kt. Džiaugiuosi pasinaudojusi galimybe pakeliauti bei susirasti naujų draugų ”
Marika from Riga, Latvia – Sport/Fitness entertainer in Kos island, Greece
“So far one month in Kos island was full of adventure. I really like to be Fitness animator in Eurovillage Achilleas Hotel and do different kid of sports activities during day time and take part in the evening shows. I’m very looking forward whar the future holds for me in the next upcoming months”.
Laura from Latvia – Kids entertainer in Crete, Greece
“First, I would like to say big thank you for giving me this opportunity. It was a huge experience and it definitely widened my horizons. I learned a lot this summer, met many, many amazing people and had a good time. I can’t deny, we had some difficulties, but I guess it happens in such a big hotel with so many guests. Anyway, I still could learn from those situations. Working with kids was just amazing and I enjoyed it very much! As well joining the shows was pretty fun, I was very glad to sing in them and, of course, exploring Crete on my days off. To sum up, I had intense summer that was full of experience and adventures. Thank you! 🙂”
Alexis from UK – Sport/fitness entertainer in Rhodes island, Greece
“These 4 months in Rhodes have been life changing and to anybody thinking about applying… DO IT! I’ve made friends for life from all over the world. I will never forget this amazing summer! Thank you!! ”
Egle from Kaunas, Lithuania – Hotel entertainer in Kos island, Greece
“This summer I spent in Kos, Greece where I was working as an animator. To say it short – the best four months of my life. There is no other way to describe this experience. The best weather, amazing sites, nicest people and of course, other animators from all around the world, who became my true family. I will never forget this summer. I would strongly recommend this practice to anybody who wants to see amazing places, meet some interesting people and experience something new in their life. It’s worth it!”
Valerija from Latvia – Hotel entertainer in Greece
“Animation from beginning was confusing 24/7,it was hard to understand the main job as it self,but at the time when I started to understand what do I have to do and how to accomplish everything what is asked from me ,it started to get fun and easy.
Every day that I spend in Greece I tried to have fun as much as I could,especially working with kids. Sometimes time runs so fast that you can’t even blink and it’s already there departure date and then you end up saying goodbye and remembering how much you will miss them.
Heeee kind funny.
The summer went pretty fast,and huge thanks to others which I met in the animation,and maybe just in Greece. Still have this feeling that some of people I will meet in near future,like in those cheap movies scenes.
This summer experience was like big adventure ,with ups and downs,giggles and fun,have to be honest ,little stress,but more like to positive side.
Still shocked about everything that I learned,with help from teammates and everything that I had seen ,experienced in this short time,and those small but good moments with teammates,it’s kinda huge for simple Latvian girl.
100% sure that I will remember it,cuz it’s different from other simple summers in my hometown”
Marlena, Sylwia, Michal and Arnold, Warsaw, Poland – office trainees in Greece
“We were friends back to Poland and we never thought that we will have opportunity one day all together to make internship abroad. We are thankful to Amber Job for this amazing chance. We learned a lot about hotels business and we still having the best time here in GREECE. This country has perfect weather, beautiful nature and super friendly people ! ! !.”
Sebastian from Warsaw, Poland – Erasmus + trainee in Corfu island Aeolos Hotel
“Thank you very much for opportunity to work with you. Working as animator give me much more then i can even expected. You never know who you can meet during the job and relations you can make with guest.I really enjoing beeing an Animator in Aeolos Beach Resort on Corfu even if its really hard sometimes. The improvment of my self i done here is really crazy and impossible to describe. My Team is cool without them this job wouldn’t be that great!”
Liucija from Kaunas, Lithuania – our Erasmus trainee in Kos island, Greece
“I want to say a huge THANK YOU for Amber Job company. It was already my second season working as animator in Greece, Kos island and it was wonderfull! I had amazing time here and lot of fun, met so many nice people from all around the world and most important thing is that I had chance to improve my profesional experience wich will help my in future. Also I had time to explore this amazing island and make unforgetable memories. I definatelly recomend to try this job where summer is never ending!”
Justina from Lithuania – Hotel entertainer in Greece
“Sprendimą dirbti Graikijoje priėmiau visiškai neplanuotai ir dėl to visiškai nesigailiu,kadangi tai yra puiki proga patobulinti užsienio kalbų žinias,įgyti savarankiškumo,pažinti Graikijos kultūrą bei išbandyti save įvairiose animacijos srityse: teko vesti tiek sporto,tiek fitneso užsiėmimus bei dirbti su vaikais. Animatoriaus darbas labiausiai mane žavi dėl to,kad jame nėra jokios monotonijos – kiekvieną dieną susipažįstame su naujais žmonėmis,dalyvaujame įvairiuose užsiėmimuose,o atlikę darbus dienos metu,vakarais pristatome svečiams paruoštus šou. Nepaisant visada saulėto oro,naujos patirties įgavimo bei vasaros praleidimo užsiimant įdomia veikla,labiausiai esu laiminga dėl to,jog teko susipažinti su tiek daug įvairių žmonių iš skirtingų šalių,su kuriais,net neabejoju,bendrausime ir pasibaigus sezonui!”